Monday, November 9, 2009

Menu Monday...on MONDAY!

Actaully posting on Monday...I am something else.

A facebook message from a sweet friend reminded me that I needed to post my menu for the week. Hopefully a few more weeks of this and I can loop back around and finally reap the benefit of this whole menu-planning thing.

But first, I have to mention that this is my first week to cook with the meat I ordered from Fran's Fryers. His animals are well-cared for and are minimally processed with no frightening additives. His prices are really reasonable considering the size of his operation (relatively small) and the quality of the products.

I'm cooking one of the whole chickens I ordered today to use for tonight and tomorrow night's dinner. I'll make stock from the "remains" and use it for Wednesday night's dinner.

Ok, menu for the week...

M--Coucous Chicken Salad with Citrus Dressing (from the book Whole Grains for Busy People--which I love!)
T--Chicken Soft Tacos
W-Pumpkin Black Bean Bake
T-Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs
F-Kris is working late--you think I'm cooking? Not happening.

The produce that I have been encountering as of late is not spectacular. I'm looking forward to spring! My big plan is to have our raised boxes built by then and we will grow us some goodness right in our own backyard. Lord willing. Let's hope He is.